Setup Appium on Mac OS for Android and iOS App Automation [2022 Update]
Appium is an open-source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid, and mobile web apps.
It drives iOS, Android, and Windows apps using the WebDriver protocol.
The biggest challenge is to set up the required environment required to start your automation, it will take 2–3 days without proper steps, so I have made a proper guide to get the setup ready as soon as possible😊 ❤️
Steps to setup Appium with Java (OpenJDK) With Android Studio and Xcode on MAC OS Big Sur
Step 1: Change to terminal to bash in order for some functionalities to work.
Open the Terminal
To change a user account’s default shell on macOS, simply run the chsh -s
(change shell) command in a Terminal window.
Change the default shell to Bash by running the following command.
$ chsh -s /bin/bash
Enter your MAC user account’s password when prompted.
Close the Terminal window and reopen it. You’ll be using Bash instead of Zsh.
Step 2: Install Homebrew.
Homebrew installs the stuff you need that Apple (or your Linux system) didn’t.
Homebrew installs packages to their own directory and then symlinks their files into /usr/local
Homebrew complements macOS (or your Linux system). Install your RubyGems with gem
and their dependencies with brew
Type following command in terminal to install Homebrew
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Step 3: Install Java 8 (OpenJDK version “1.8.0_265”), Using Home brew.
Type following command in terminal to install adoptopenjdk8
$ brew install --cask adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8
Verify installation by Typing the following command in Terminal.
$ java -version
Step 4: Download and install Android Studio, from below link and move to applications folder of MAC.
Step 4.1: Double click to install the downloaded DMG file and move to applications folder
Step 4.2: Open the app click on Next, and configure and Click on finish
Step 4.3: Install other SDK versions as required for your project.
Example : SDK verisons for api 30, S preview
Step 5: Install Xcode from app store.
- Open the App store on MAC.
- Search for Xcode.
- Click on the Install Button and wait for install to finish.
Step 5.1: Open Xcode from applications folder and install required components.
Install Command Line Tools if you haven’t already.
Type following command in terminal to install
$ xcode-select --install
Type following command in terminal to set Proper “Xcode” Verison, Required for Build Process.
$ sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
Step 5.2: Install Carthage.
Carthage is intended to be the simplest way to add frameworks to your Cocoa application.
Carthage builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks, but you retain full control over your project structure and setup. Carthage does not automatically modify your project files or your build settings.
First, change the permissions and accept the Xcode license as shown below commands.
$ sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/share/man/man5 /usr/local/share/man/man7
$ sudo xcodebuild -license accept
Then, install Carthage by typing following command in terminal.
$ brew install carthage
Step 6: Install Node via Homebrew.
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.
Type following command in terminal to install node.
$ brew install node
Check the Node and NPM version by Typing following commands in terminal
To check node version.
$ node -v
To check npm version.
$ npm -v
Step 7: Install Latest Appium and required dependencies globally using NPM.
Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps.
It drives iOS, Android, and Windows apps using the WebDriver protocol.
Run following command in terminal to install appium.
$ npm install -g appium
Step 7.1: Install WD required for Appium by using following command.
WD is node.js Webdriver/Selenium 2 client
This library is designed to be a maleable implementation of the webdriver protocol in Node, exposing functionality via a number of programming paradigms.
Run following command in terminal to install wd.
$ npm install wd
Step 7.2: Install Appium Doctor
Appium Doctor checks most of the preconditions for Appium to run successfully. Attempts to diagnose and fix common Node, iOS and Android configuration issues before starting Appium.
Run following command in terminal to install appium-doctor.
$ npm install -g appium-doctor
Note : If you want to install a specific version of appium you can run below command.
$ npm install -g appium@1.1x.x
Step 8 : Set required paths for JAVA_HOME in .bash_profile for below.
Type following command in terminal to open nano and set JAVA_HOME.
$ nano .bash_profile
Set Java home variable as below in .bash_profile.
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
Save and close the opened .bash_profile file.
Re-Open Terminal and run the source command to apply the changes.
source ~/.bash_profile
Now we can check the value of the JAVA_HOME variable.
The result should be the path to the JDK installation:
Step 9: Set required paths for ANDROID_HOME in .bash_profile for below.
Type following command in terminal to open nano editor and set Android Home along with the path to below-required tools.
- platform-tools.
- tools.
- build-tools.
$ nano .bash_profile
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/kchetan/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/bin:$PATHexport PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$PATH
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin:$PATHexport PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/30.0.2:$PATH
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/30.0.2/bin:$PATH
Save and close the opened .bash_profile file.
Re-Open Terminal, and run the source command to apply the changes.
source ~/.bash_profile
Now, we can check the value of the ANDROID_HOME variable.
The result should be the path to the Android SDK installation.
Step 10: Install Webpack
Webpack is a module bundler. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset.
To install webpack run the below command.
$ npm i -g webpack
Step 11: Install libimobiledevice.
libimobiledevice is A cross-platform FOSS library written in C to communicate with iOS devices natively.
To install libimobiledevice run the below command.
$ brew install libimobiledevice
Step 12: Install ios-deploy
Install and debug iOS apps from the command line. Designed to work on un-jailbroken devices.
To install ios-deploy run the below command.
$ npm install -g ios-deploy
Step 13: Install cmake
CMake is an open-source, cross-platform family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files, and generate native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice. The suite of CMake tools were created by Kitware in response to the need for a powerful, cross-platform build environment for open-source projects such as ITK and VTK.
To install cmake run the below command.
$ brew install cmake
Step 14: Install opencv4nodejs
Opencv4nodejs allows you to use the native OpenCV library in nodejs. Besides a synchronous API the package provides an asynchronous API, which allows you to build non-blocking and multithreaded computer vision tasks. opencv4nodejs supports OpenCV 3 and OpenCV 4.
To install opencv4nodejs run the below command.
$ npm install -g opencv4nodejs
This takes a while to install, Have Coffee ☕️
Step 15: Install applesimutils
A collection of utils for Apple simulators.
To install applesimutils run the below command.
$ brew install wix/brew/applesimutils
Step 16: Install ios-webkit-debug-proxy
The ios_webkit_debug_proxy (aka iwdp) proxies requests from usbmuxd daemon over a websocket connection, allowing developers to send commands to MobileSafari and UIWebViews on real and simulated iOS devices.
To install ios-webkit-debug-proxy run the below command.
$ brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy
Step 17: Install osxfuse
FUSE implements a mechanism that makes it possible to implement a fully functional file system in a user-space program on macOS. It provides multiple APIs, one of which is a superset of the FUSE API (file system in user space) that originated on Linux. Therefore, many existing FUSE file systems become readily usable on macOS.
To install osxfuse run the below command.
$ brew install osxfuse
Step 18: Install ifuse
This allows mounting various directories of an iOS device locally using the FUSE file system interface.
Some key features are:
- Media: Mount media directory of an iOS device locally
- Apps: Mount sandbox container or document directory of an app
- Jailbreak: Mount root filesystem on jailbroken devices (requires AFC2 service)
- Browse: Allows to retrieve a list of installed file-sharing enabled apps
To install ifuse run the below command.
$ brew install ifuse
Step 19: Install mjpeg-consumer
node.js transform stream implementation that consumes http multipart mjpeg streams and emits jpegs.
To install mjpeg-consumer run the below command.
$ npm i -g mjpeg-consumer
Step 20: Install ffmpeg
A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.
To install ffmpeg run the below command.
$ brew install ffmpeg
Step 21: Install set-simulator-location
This is a simple CLI for easily setting the location of the currently running iOS Simulator.
To install set-simulator-location run the below command.
$ brew install lyft/formulae/set-simulator-location
Step 22: Install fb-idb
The “iOS Development Bridge” or idb
, is a command line interface for automating iOS Simulators and Devices. It has three main priniciples:
- Remote Automation:
is composed of a "companion" that runs on macOS and a python client that can run anywhere. This enables scenarios such as a "Device Lab" within a Data Center or fanning out shards of test executions to a large pool of iOS Simulators. - Simple Primitives:
exposes granular commands so that sophisticated workflows can be sequenced on top of them. This means you can useidb
from an IDE or build an automated testing scenario that isn't feasible with default tooling. All of these primitives aim to be consistent across iOS versions and between iOS Simulators and iOS Devices. All the primitives are exposed over a cli, so that it easy to use for both humans and automation. - Exposing missing functionality: Xcode has a number of features that aren’t available outside it’s user interface.
leverages many of Private Frameworks that are used by Xcode, so that these features can be in GUI-less automated scenarios.
To install fb-idb run the below command.
$ brew tap facebook/fb
$ brew install idb-companion
$ pip3.6 install fb-idb
Please note : 📝 Use Python 3.6 to install fb-idb using pip3.6 or else it wont be detected properly
Step 23: Download and set path for Bundletool
is the underlying tool that Gradle, Android Studio, and Google Play use to build an Android App Bundle or convert an app bundle into the various APKs that are deployed to devices. bundletool
is also available to you as a command line tool, so you can recreate, inspect, and verify Google Play’s server-side build of your app’s APKs.
23.1 Download bundletool.jar
23.2 Rename it to bundletool.jar
23.3 Create folder ~/Library/Android/sdk/bundle-tool
in Mac
23.4 Move bundletool.jar
to this path and make it executable with chmod +x bundletool.jar
23.5 Add $ANDROID_HOME/bundle-tool
to the path editing .bash_profile
nano .bash_profileexport PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/bundle-tool:$PATHsource .bash_profile
Step 24 : Run appium-doctor to verify everything is proper
To view appium-doctor output run the below command.
Verify if you see the following message after running the Appium doctor command.
info AppiumDoctor Everything looks good, bye!
Step 25 : Run appium and have fun Automating iOS / Android Apps.
If everything is successful, then try to start appium using below command.
$ appium
Voila, you are good to Start the scripting 😃 😀